
Photography by amiephotos
Convention Services
Check out the services I offer, and feel free to reach out if you'd like me to guest at a convention near you! ​Whether you need a guest for your event, a costume contest judge, or a knowledgeable subject matter expert, I’ve got you covered!
Judging Cosplay Contests:
With my experience in both craftsmanship and teaching, I can bring plenty of knowledge to your costume contest! I specialize in judging craftsmanship competitions and have won a few myself. I always aim to give participants the best experience while making sure the event runs smoothly.
Past events I've judged: Magfest, Tekko, AwesomeCon Anime Boston, FanExpo Cleveland, Drawncon, ConnectiCon
Panels and Workshops:
Having worked full time as an educator for the past 8 years, I can offer a wide range of panels for
all levels of skill groups. I've taught as young as kindergarten all the way up to college and
graduate level courses.
I can bring my expertise to your event and offer a wide variety of panels and workshops (See below for most current offerings).
Recent Previous Appearances:
Magfest, MD, 2025 (Judge)
Potomac Fiber Arts Guild, MD, 2024 (Guest Presenter)
Tekko, PA 2023 (Guest and Judge)
AwesomeCon, DC 2023 (Guest and Judge)
Anime Boston, MA 2023 (Guest and Judge)
Katsucon, MD 2023 (Guest presenter)
DragonCon, GA 2022 (Educator)
Anime Boston, MA 2022 (Masquerade Judge)
FanExpo Cleveland, OH 2022 (Guest and Judge)
FanExpo Boston, MA 2021 (Guest)
Popcult Anime Con, Ma 2016 (Guest)
YourMiniCon, CT, 2015 (Guest)
DrawnCon, MA 2014 (Guest)
Instagram: 14.3k+ Followers - 40k+ reach
Facebook: 2.6k+ Followers - 12k reach
Threads: 1.8k+ Followers
Bluesky: 650+ Followers
TikTok: 1000+ Followers
Tumblr: 1.3k+ Followers
Famoré Cutlery
Workshop Facilitator - MakeCo Campus
Mid Atlantic Puppetry Guild
CTPublishing - Cosplay Academy
Potomac Fiber Arts Guild - Current Vice President
Best Masters Craftsmanship - Otakon 2022
2nd Place Masters - Nekocon - 2021
2nd Place Masters - DerpyCon - 2021
2nd Place Masters - Arda Summer Showcase - 2021
2nd Place - Summer Series Nerd Caliber Cosplay Qualifier - 2020
Best Masters Craftsmanship - Katsucon 2020
Best in Show, Fan favorite - Covinator Event 2020
Best Journeyman Craftsmanship, Connecticon - 2007
Best in Show, Anime Boston - 2006
Best Prop - Connecticon - 2006

Photography by hailthenaninator

Photography by Bryant Cox Photography
Teaching and Panels
Above you'll find a listing of fully developed and previously developed panels that are ready immediately to present at your convention or event!
Shaping Fabric: Interface, Darts, Gathers and Pleats
How to close your garment: From Zippers to Snaps and everything in between
Finishing your garment: Hems, Facings, Waistbands, and Linings
How to Read, Modify, and Assemble Patterns.
Intro to Leather working
Drafting Foam Armor
Foam Props
Pepakura and Papercraft
Armor Strapping
Accessible Cosplay Makeup
Intro to Thermoplastics
Modeling with TinkerCAD
Modeling with Fusion360
Advanced 3D Printing (SLS, Polyjet)
Organic 3D Modeling with Sculptris and Blender
Resin/SLA Printing
Intro to Vectors for Laser-cutting
Intro to Wearable Electronics
Basic Electronics for Creatives
MakeCode for Cosplay
Intro to Scratch Programming
Advanced Foam Armor Techniques.
Foam Armor
3D Printing
Digital Fabrication
Coding and Wearables
Queer Representation
Plus Sized Cosplay
Disability and Cosplay
Adaptable Costumes
Education in Cosplay
Available to speak on the following panel topics for groups:
I am also able to present panels and/or workshops on the following topics if given advance notice to develop them!
And many more! I'm always happy to work with events to create custom panels and workshops tailored to their audience
Upcoming Appearances
Judging - Zenkaikon
More Appearances coming soon!